Lehis Children Receive Blessings from Lehi
2 Nephi 1-4 Insights
Why did Lehi bless each of his children individually? Furthermore, why did he assign unto them specific blessings retaining to their seed in what looks like under a tribal order? Why do this when they already possessed the lineage of Manasseh? Lastly, why was Sam omitted from being assigned a tribal lineage for his seed to flow through?
There are many similarities to Abraham and Lehi regarding their seed. The blessings of Abraham flow from him to Isaac, and from Isaac to Jacob / Israel. Through this line comes the establishment of the twelve tribes of Israel. To each tribe specific blessings, rites, and tasks were likewise assigned in which they were to fulfil. Even today those same blessings and requirements still exist to those who belong to a specific tribe in Israel.
Likewise, before his death Father Lehi, like unto Father Abraham and his children blessed his posterity individually and assigned unto them blessings, land, and a tribal lineage. Abraham technically had thirteen sons, but Levi, was never given the promise of land, just the commission, rites, and blessings to work and officiate in the Lords holy Temple. Thus, the number is reduced back down from thirteen to twelve. The Lord specifically mandated that there be only twelve tribes in Israel.
In the numbers, which make up this earth there is also the Lord. The Lord truly is in all things even the very numbering system by which things are accounted for both in time and eternity. The number twelve is a priestly number, it represents perfection, it’s a number by which government, order, and organization are all united together. Thus, one can begin to understand why the Lord wanted the tribes of Israel number set to twelve. These tribes were the ruling class by which Israel governed themselves. They were to be ruled though the priesthood, through righteousness, and in association to that fulfil their unique assignments.
It was the promise from the Lord to Abraham that through him that his seed would live on, be blessed, and fill the ends of the earth. The Lord promised Abraham, “I will multiply thy seed as the stars of the heaven, and as the sand which is upon the sea shore.” Thus, through him, his son Isaac, down to Jacob whose name was changed to Israel, who had twelve sons, were the nations of the earth blessed.
Fast forward to around 588 B.C. into a new land, with a new group of people, with a new patriarch. That patriarchs name is Lehi and through him specific assignments, blessings, and land were promised to his seed. Lehi had eight sons and to each of them were blessed similarly to the twelve tribes of Israel. They were promised, land, increase in posterity, and they were given specific assignments likewise relating to their tribal order. The sons of Lehi were to rule, reign, and establish order in righteousness in the new world. “These patriarchal blessings held lasting “religious, military, political, and legal” importance for both posterities.( Sorenson, Tvedtnes, and Welch, “Seven Tribes,” 94–95.)
The following are the children of Lehi to which these blessings were given. Sam still received a blessing but, not his own tribe. Instead Lehi placed Sam into the house of Nephi.
Of the eight individuals blessed two possessed no direct lineage to Lehi. Nevertheless, because of their faithfulness the Lord sought fit to bless them through Lehi. In the case of Ishmael, despite his wicked sons, his willingness to hearken unto the Lord in the old world and bring his family to the New World most likely merited the blessings to his children. Despite his death along the way his children were still given promises even though they chose wickedness and followed Lamen and Lemuel.
The following outlines the tribal order that was established by Lehi to his sons and extended family members. Nephi whose people became known as the Nephites, Jacob and the Jacobites, Joseph and the Josephites, Zoram and the Zoramites, Lemul and Lemulites, Laman and the Lamnites, and to his son in-law Ishmael and the Ishmaelites. In sum total there were seven tribes established and all given specific blessings to which they were to follow. Most importantly they were commissioned to live in peace, keep the commandments, follow Nephi their brother, and in so doing prosper in the Land.
Now, Lehi had eight sons, the youngest being Sam. The reader will notice that he was not given a tribe for his people but, was commanded to join Nephi’s people and with him share / inherit all the same blessings. Why would the Lehi do this? Moreover, why would the Lord see that such was the case. Why not issue the blessing to Sam instead of Ishmael, Lamen or Lemuel? First, birth order is absolutely vital in Israelite history. Order from oldest youngest are which the blessings flow even if wickedness abounds.
Lehi did alter his blessing to fit the lifestyle and choices his wicked sons were choosing. One can only imagine the even further promises they might have received if only they were righteous. Lastly, Ishmael as spoken of early because of his righteousness obtained a promise that through his sons his seed would live on. The scriptures don’t outright say this. But, this is most likely the recourse that Lehi took in deciding tribal order and blessings.
Furthermore, in the old world, Jacob, likewise gave unto his twelve sons the same type of blessings. He blessed them with land, seed, and increase. Those who were faithful to the commission which was given them increased in the land and obtained prosperity. Of the twelve sons who received a tribe there was one who did not. That one son was Levi. Why did he not receive of the same blessings?
For his seed they were promised the priesthood and the rites to officiate in the temple under the office of priest. Thus, they became priest unto God. They like unto Sam were not issued land and blessings inherently that comes from that land. Although neither the Sons of Levi or Sam will be denied those blessings they were just given different charges regarding their posterity and themselves.
Why did the Lord do this? Why not just have thirteen tribes of Israel and eight tribes of Lehi? Both could each adequately fulfil the roles assigned unto them in their respective lands. Thus, why then not give Levi and Sam the same blessings as their other brethren. This question is not fully explained nor answered in the scriptures. But, there is undoubtedly a connection to the sacred numbers and those tribes. Twelve and seven are unique numbers both in Hebrew and unto the Lord. In the number seven we find eternal perfection, completion, wholeness, being ripe, rest, order, stability, and holiness.
For the Lord the seven tribes of Lehi mark an area complete in their order as it pertains to their earthly state. Moreover, “According to ancient near eastern culture, 7 was the normal operation and order of God’s House/Temple.” (https://graceintorah.net/2015/09/27/hebrew-numbers-11-30/) Thus, seven marks that which is complete and eternal and the only way which man can become truly complete and eternal is through the ordinances of the temple. Perhaps there is symbolism here in the Lehi naming seven tribes.
Twelve, although not a number correlating to completion, is the number of tribes assigned in the eastern world. It does however possess ties to order, perfect government, united, and priesthood. The twelve tribes were through unity, order and law to govern over their people and serve one another in like manner. The Lord wanted twelve tribes in Israel not thirteen and for a specific reason unto himself did he want this establishment. Understanding the significance of the Hebrew number twelve helps shine further light onto the matter.
Regardless of exactly why there were twelve tribes and seven tribes rather than thirteen or eight is truly of insignificance as it pertains to our salvation. Nevertheless, there still exists these nuances found in the scripture that correlate back to Gods people. What is important is that we see Father Lehi fulfilling his role as patriarch and blessing his children in the new land. This pattern follows precisely that which we see in the old world and only further gives us added light that these people whom we call the Nephites did come from the eastern world, they lived the law of Moses, and practiced and understood the order of the priesthood as it pertains to governing and rulership.
What did the great Prophet Lehi mean when he said, “wherefore, all things must needs be a compound in one.” Nowhere in all of holy writ is such language used nor like unto it. Thus, the perplexing mystery to what Lehi truly meant can literally be seen by most as just that, a mystery. His language is deep and so are his meanings. Lehi has gone well below the sub surface levels of principles, doctrines, and laws. In 2 Nephi 2: 11 such is the exact case of Lehi ascending to great depths in his discourse. Nevertheless, a careful thoughtful and intuitive read will reveal just what father Lehi meant in this passage of scripture and what we are to understand thereby. Therefore, what are we to understand, why is it important, and how does it relate to me?
First, we must come to understand the premise of law that exists in our mortal world and can only make its appearance when a law is broken. In our world that law first came to light with Adam and Eve partaking of the fruit. By their disobedience they were cast out of the garden but, also came to understand opposite forces which exist because of law. Virtue and vice, light and dark, good and evil, pleasure and pain. This knowledge could only come by way of first breaking the law which was given to them; which was, to not partake of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
Now, does this law transcend a fallen corrupt world? That I do not know nor can confirm. Is the world in which god lives subject to this law? Or is it kept at bay because of his perfection? Nevertheless, despite whatever the answer may be, because they possess direct knowledge of the law of opposites even if such forces were not present in their world; they would nevertheless, still understand joy and suffering, pleasure and pain, light and darkness, good and evil. How so? John sheds further light on the subject matter.
And the same word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the Only Begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth. (John 1:14 jst.)
The word being Christ took upon himself flesh in the form of a body and here he dwelt amongst us. Even Jesus Christ, creator of the worlds without end needed a body to experience the very things in which we experience every day. Only through the human experience could true divinity arise. True divinity is not solely predicated upon perfection alone but, must also be marred with the imperfection. Thus, God cannot truly become God or understand all thing if he first likewise does not understand all that his creations must undertake. For man it is to inherit a fallen nature and experience the law of opposites as written of and by Lehi.
Thus, if the law of opposites did not exist, which could only come because of Adam and Eve transgressing, then there would be no need for Christ. All things as Lehi states “must needs be a compound in one;” Hence, meaning that if there were no opposites then there could be no joy nor pain, there could be no light nor darkness, there would be no need for a savior, for if death need no conquer than what is his purpose. If there be no sin there likewise be no need for a savior to come and atone and thereby appease the law by virtue of his perfection, priesthoods, and power. All things would become one and in so doing cease to be as they are now or ever could be.
However, on the opposite end, if Adam and Eve never partook of that forbidden fruit, the compound would likewise move in the opposite direction of the spectrum. Creation would still exist but, it would be in a state as though it did not exist! Adam and Eve would have remained in the garden of Eden forever knowing neither joy nor misery, pain or pleasure, or “sense or sensibility.” In the end regardless of the direction as to which the compound moves there is no hope for man to overcome his nothingness. Thus, without opposition in this world there is no purpose and all things would move to a state of disorder ceasing to exist. Lehi beautifully sums up the end result of there being no opposites.
Wherefore all things must needs be a compound in one, wherefore, if it should be one body it must needs remain as dead.
The Law of Opposition is absolutely essential to our mortal world and is the only pathway to progression. There truly is no other way whereby which progression and growth can come. In that sacred and humbling moment in the garden, when Eve first partook of the fruit, she grasped this concept and in so doing she did eat. Thereby acting for herself and not to be acted upon by infinite time and space. Thus, she became an agent unto herself in that moment thereby taking her destiny into her own hands.
We all have a choice and we like Eve are in charge of our own destinies. The choice to choose life and liberty or death and captivity is ours and ours alone. The Savior’s sacred mission which was prepared before the foundations of this world reconciled fallen man from the law. Through grace, mercy, and his merits fallen man by virtue of the atoning power could overcome the law. All we must do is choose to live his gospel and follow his commandments and precepts and in so doing we are made recipients of the heavenly gift.
In his youth Jacob behold the glory of the Lord and as such received from him the gift of eternal life in mortality. Lehi noted that Jacob was born in the travails in the wilderness to the promise land. Jacob never new comfort, luxury, position, and power as his older brothers did. He came into the world during some of the most difficult times of Lehi and Sariah’s lives. Those struggles although perhaps not fully conceptualized by Jacob because he of his age, nevertheless, still played an active part in him beholding the glory of the Lord with his mortal eyes.
Lehi noted that Jacob suffered afflictions and sorrow as consequence of the ill effects his older brothers Lamen and Lemuel. The ill behaviors and attitudes they shared freely and liberally to all in their family. The hardship Jacob experienced came by divine design and would help to shape him into a man of righteousness; who one day could lead the church according to the will and mind of the Lord. The afflictions of Jacob were instrumental in 1. Not only bringing him to the Lord; 2. But, also preparing him for greater things which lay ahead. Those greater things were the blessing of beholding the Lord in the flesh.
As result of Jacob beholding the Lord his testimony grew to unshakeable determination insomuch no man could deter him from the rock of truth. Out of affliction arose blessings. Blessings far greater than even perhaps the young Jacob could ever dream of. Nevertheless, blessings did come, and as Lehi told his faithful son, and as he tells all who reads his words:
“He shall consecrate thine afflictions for thy gain.”
Notice the language Lehi uses. He doesn’t use the word good or any other word like unto such. Nay, he uses a specific key word that gives us insight into the mind of the Lord. That word is gain… For Jacob he gained eternal life the greatest gift that God can give. What will you gain out of your afflictions? Look for what the Lord is trying to bless you with and if you do so you will find it. Jacob understood this at a young age and as such he partook of that gift and gained greatly while in mortality.